Bridging the Gap Between Current State and To Be …

Shaping the Future

The Consulting Division, spearheaded by Chief Sam Spiegel (ret.), is dedicated to addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by law enforcement agencies today. With a team comprised of seasoned professionals boasting extensive backgrounds in law enforcement, municipal governance, academia, and command positions, we offer a wealth of experience totaling over 300 years. Our consultants are not only highly skilled problem solvers but also passionate advocates for positive change within the law enforcement community.

In the ever-evolving landscape of law enforcement, agencies grapple with many challenges, including retention, recruitment, morale, cultural connectivity, and internal and external communication. Recognizing the critical importance of these issues, our concierge consulting services are tailored to provide comprehensive solutions that empower agencies to thrive amidst adversity.

Retention and recruitment stand as perennial challenges for law enforcement agencies, as they strive to attract and retain top talent in an increasingly competitive landscape. Through strategic initiatives and targeted interventions, we offer innovative approaches to talent acquisition and retention, fostering a culture that values and nurtures the professional development of personnel.

Morale, a cornerstone of organizational effectiveness, is often affected by internal and external factors. Our consulting team specializes in identifying root causes of low morale and implementing strategies to bolster employee engagement, enhance job satisfaction, and cultivate a positive work environment.

Cultural connectivity, both within agencies and with the communities they serve, is essential for fostering trust, collaboration, and mutual understanding. Leveraging our expertise in organizational culture and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, we assist agencies in cultivating cultures of inclusivity, respect, and belonging, thereby strengthening relationships with both internal stakeholders and external constituents.

Effective communication, both internally among agency personnel and externally with the public, is paramount for maintaining transparency, accountability, and trust. Our consultants offer guidance on developing robust communication strategies, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and best practices to facilitate seamless communication channels and foster constructive dialogue.

Through our concierge consulting services, grounded in the principles of the MAGNUS culture, we empower law enforcement agencies to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve sustainable success in today’s dynamic environment. Together, we pave the way for a brighter future, where law enforcement agencies are equipped to navigate complexities with confidence and resilience.

Organizational Health Assessments

Getting quantifiable, qualitative and objective review and recommendations about your organization from the inside out is crucial to all elements of your department’s success.

You believe your organization is running well. In all probability it is; but,  “you don’t know what you don’t know”. By that, we mean what are the undercurrents?; What are the inconsistencies and challenges facing different workgroups in your department that creates internal volatility and hampers growth, morale and workplace health?

Organization & Leadership Development

Providing for the growth and development of leaders, allowing the organization to address and navigate through its challenges.

How do you prepare your organization for growth, succession, and leadership? Is there an accurate, clear path in the promotion process and other shared expectations throughout the organization that create a rise in performance, acuity and community support?

Organization & Culture Transition

Addressing and overcoming issues head-on using a comprehensive and structured change strategy.

More than often a newly promoted or hired chief executive, is challenged by an existing culture of fractured values, vision and mission. How will you shape the mission, vision, and values  of the organization? Cultures don’t change within an organization by edict or policy. Change requires a strategic, well-planned course correction, that occurs in increments; what we call transitions. 

Organization Lean 6Sigma Optimization

The need for more efficiency and effectiveness continues to grow in these uncertain times.

The need for delivering the highest quality service at the lowest cost is required more now than ever. Through Lean Six Sigma you will realize faster times to make decisions, lower costs to operate the department, decreased expenses, substantially improved efficiency, faster time to complete work, streamlined systems and processes, maximized productivity, improved asset utilization, and minimized risk.

Budgeting & Financial Management​

Funding and budgetary constraints and the need for the community to invest in its law enforcement agency continually grows.

In today’s world of VUCA law enforcement, the dynamics of evolving concerns agencies face requires a deeper analysis of the department’s financial position. This service provides basic economics education – understanding economic indicators that allow the department to forecast its position and adjust accordingly. The department must also adjust to frequently changing conditions within its community and create an ability for the community to invest in its service levels and quality of life.

Organization Concierge Consulting

Every department is a complex ecosystem of business process, needs, policy and procedures, culture, community-centric expectations, and industry norms, facing emerging challenges.

Challenges, sliding scales of change, overt community expectations, and legislative mandates will require a prompt and thorough response.

Your ability to navigate these demands will rely heavily on your leadership acumen, resiliency and the agility of your organization.  Shaping your future requires a strategic and mindful approach in leading to maximizing positive outcomes.

To meet these challenges and provide exceptional service to your stakeholders, the National Staff and Command College provides consultations that will continue to grow you and assist you in establishing organizational direction into 21st Century Policing.

One-on-One Coaching

Individualized 1:1 coaching utilizes the MAGNUS Leadership and psychological framework of the Reversal Theory that emphasize human adaptability while facing the complex organizational and community challenges.  Let’s elevate your RESULTS with CONFIDENCE.

EQi Resilience Coaching

We believe resilience is a dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation within the context of significant adversity.  Our certified emotional intelligence, meta-motivation and performance coaches help build mental and emotional resiliency, well-being and anti-fragility. 

Team Coaching

As with individual coaching, our coaching principles, practices and solutions focus on results.  Let us work with your team to strengthen its trusting relationships, shared vision and resilience in a way that supports the stakeholders’ goals, internally and external. 

Credible Leadership Coaching

We seasoned and accomplished coaches become your trusted change management and credible leadership organization partner, sharing their Continuous Quality Improvement teams and LEAN6 Sigma resources and intellectual expertise through facilitated coaching, workshop and tailored programs. Build capacity, align resources and manage your agency’s change portfolio for maximized outcomes.

Emotivation Coaching

Emotivation coaching program with its associated toolkit help get to the heart of implicit bias, diversity, relational challenges and situational adaptability by focusing on emotions and key drivers; providing a structured and continuous approach that opens up new possibilities for change.