

  1. Normore, A.H., Brooks, J.S., Brooks, M., & Sum, N. (in press, 2022). Globalization, neoliberalism and education: Teaching, learning and leading in the world schoolhouse. Charlotte, NC: Information Age publishing.
  2. Klopovic, J., Javidi, M., Normore, A.H., & Garcia, M. A. (2020). Your moral compass: A practical guide for new wave leaders. Raleigh, NC: New Wave Publishers.
  3. Normore, A.H., Issa Lahera, A., & Zoller, K. (2019). Voices leading from the ecotone. Word and Deed Publishing, Inc., Burlington, Ontario.
  4. Normore, A.H., Long, L., & Javidi, M. (2019). Handbook of research on strategic communication, leadership, and conflict management in modern organizations. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishers. Available [Online]:
  5. Normore, A.H., & Issa Lahera, A. (2018). Crossing the bridge of the digital divide: A walk with global educators. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Synopsis: Captain Mike Abrashoff discusses team-based leadership while sharing the leadership lessons he gained from the turnaround of the USS Benfold in “It’s Your Ship” book …