President, National Command & Staff College

Anthony Normore, Ph.D

Anthony H. Normore, Ph. D is professor emeritus of educational leadership in Division of Graduate Education at California State University Dominguez Hills in Greater Metropolitan Los Angeles. A former director of doctoral programs and department chair at various universities Dr. Normore’s research focuses on urban leadership development in the context of ethics and social justice. He obtained his Ph.D from the Ontario Institute for the Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. His multi-pronged research focusses on (a) the (mis)-interpretation and (mis)-use of leadership and management in higher education, and (b) leadership development of urban school leaders in the context of ethics and social justice. He is the author of 25+ books including, Globalization, neoliberalism and education: Teaching, learning and leading in the world schoolhouse (2022, Information Age publishing); Your moral compass: A practical guide for new wave leaders (2020, New Wave Publishers); The handbook of research on strategic communication, leadership, and conflict management in modern organizations (2019, IGI-Global), Voices leading from the ecotone (2019, Word & Deed Publishing), Leading against the grain: Lessons from visionaries for creating just and equitable schools (2018, Teachers College Press), Foundations of educational leadership: The key to developing excellent and equitable schools (2017, Routledge), Restorative practice meets social justice: Un-silencing the voices of at-promise students (2017, IAP).  He worked as a teacher, school, and district level administrator for 20+ years and then moved to Higher Education where he spent 15+ years.

In 2013, Dr. Normore was recognized by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Leadership for Social Justice Special Interest Group with the Bridge People Award. The award honored him for his partnership work in law enforcement, corrections, and education including his leadership-partnership work with Education-Based Incarceration (EBI Program) at Men’s Central Jail at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office. Further, he is co-creator of the Credible Leadership Development program with the International Academy of Public Safety. Dr. Normore has published 200+ book chapters, research reviews, monographs, and peer-reviewed articles in professional leadership journals (e.g., Journal of Educational Administration, Journal of School Leadership, Alberta Journal of Educational Leadership, Educational Administration Quarterly, etc.), law enforcement journals (e.g., Police Chief, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Law Enforcement Today, California Peace Officers Association, Peace Officers Research Association of California, California Law Enforcement Journal, Law Enforcement Today, and Policing: International Journal of Theory and Practice), and delivered 300+ regional, national and international professional conference presentations, symposia, and invited keynote addresses. Dr. Normore served on various editorial review boards throughout his academic leadership career and is the recipient of the 2019 International Award for Authentic Leadership, and the 2015 International Willower Award of Excellence in Research.

As president, Tony currently presides over the National Command and Staff College and serves as chair of its criminal justice commission.